Prabalgad Fort, also known as Kalavantin Durg is situated between Matheran and Panvel in Maharashtra, at a height of 2,300 feet in the Western Ghats. The fort built at the peak of a rocky plateau very close to Matheran has become a major tourist attraction. A trek to this place is perfect for those who enjoy adventure and the way to the fort is a dangerously steep climb. The steps leading up to the fort are cut into the rock of the hill. Reaching the fort is one of the toughest trekking challenges in Maharashtra and only if you are an experienced trekker should you go for this trek. This trek which commences from the base village of Shedung takes about 3 hours and you need to climb rock-cut stairs through a steep slope.
Reaching Kalavantin Durg is very difficult and this trek is for experienced trekkers. But for those who do go for this trek, be ready to touch the clouds and hug the wind and see the mountains around you as you reach the top. You can also explore other forts around Kalavantin Durg such as Karnala, Irshalgad, which have an interesting history and story linked to them. You can also spend some time near the serene rivers which are close to Kalavantin Durg such as the Ulahas River, Gadhi River and Patalganga River.